On February 17th 2024, Joanne & Fee travelled to Leeds Castle in Kent, to represent Cakes For Heroes.

In November ‘23, we were told that we had been nominated for the D’Licious Magazine ‘Sprinkle of Kindness’ award.

To find out we’d been nominated was fantastic; to be told we had been shortlisted was amazing…..

To be announced as WINNER was PHENOMENAL!!!!

Words can’t express how grateful we are to have received this award. Joanne accepted it on behalf of all of our army of bakers, without whom, CFH wouldn’t exist.

A huge, huge thankyou to every single person that voted for Cakes For Heroes. As Joanne said during her acceptance speech on stage - “We’re just tiny compared to the other nominees” and with that, we’re truly humbled.

Massive thanks to the DMA judges, headline sponsor Squires Kitchen, D’Licious Magazine and especially Kelly Jane (DMag)